100 pink roses bouquet. A Grand Expression of Love and Admiration
Indulge your special someone with a breathtaking bouquet of 100 pink roses, a symbol of unwavering affection, heartfelt appreciation, and everlasting love.
A Symphony of Delicate Beauty
Each rose, handpicked for its exquisite perfection, radiates with delicate shades of pink, ranging from soft blushes to vibrant hues, creating a captivating spectacle that will undoubtedly capture the heart of your loved one.
Expertly Crafted with Love
This exquisite arrangement is meticulously crafted by our skilled florists, who carefully arrange each blossom to create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, resulting in a bouquet that is not only visually stunning but also embodies the essence of love and admiration.
An Enchanting Fragrance
As the recipient gently unfolds the bouquet, the sweet fragrance of fresh roses will fill the air, creating an atmosphere of romance and enchantment.
A Gift for Every Occasion
This bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or simply a gesture to express your love and appreciation.
Product Details:
Feature | Details |
Number of Roses | 100 |
Rose Color | Pink |
Arrangement Style | Hand-tied bouquet |
Additional Accents | Lush greenery |
Care Instructions:
- Upon receiving the bouquet, remove the rubber bands and place the stems in a clean vase filled with cool water.
- Trim the stems at an angle to increase water absorption.
- Add flower food to the water to prolong the vase life of the roses.
- Change the water every two to three days, or whenever the water appears cloudy.
- Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
Let this bouquet of 100 pink roses be a testament to your love, a symbol of the depth of your affection, and a reminder of the enduring power of love.
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